Host your own events

In WSS anyone can become event organizer and create races, hotlaps, practice sessions, organize championships or just having fun online with friends without dealing with any of the technical side - servers, results, registration, mod installation - everything is handled by WSS!

Community events

These are completely free for anyone to host, but are also limited. Mostly for friend events, practices, 1-on-1 challenges. Premium users have more freedom when creating community events, but they are still more limited than organizer events (we'll introduce them shortly).


  • No technical knowledge needed - servers/results/registration/mods - all handled in WSS!
  • Private events/servers - invite friends to private challenge, cruise drive or practice event (Premium users)
  • Races
    • One division with max 30 slots (max 4 slots for free users)
    • Race time up to 24 h (10 min for free users)
  • Hotlaps
    • Single lap hotlap
    • Average lap modes. You can choose how many consecutive laps to count as result. (Premium users)
    • Fully managed and automated private servers for each driver - ensuring equal conditions for everyone.
  • Free session
    • Practice, fun, drift, cruise servers

Community events are meant for simple events and as such have some limitations:

  • Event must start within 1 week
  • Free users can have only one active community event at a time (can cancel previous event to create new).
  • Free users have limited session time.

If you need more, please continue to Organizer events.

Organizer events

Premium feature

All Premium users have full access to organizer. Organizer events offer full set of features that we use ourselves for organizing World Sim Series events:

  • Races
    • Multiple divisions with automatic distribution
      • By default all organizer events are division enabled.
      • Drivers will be distributed automatically so that each class has a competitive grid in each server/division.
    • Private events - only to invited drivers. 
      • Ability to define race grid order
    • Broadcasters/Race steward slots
      • Add broadcasters or race stewards to event so they have broadcaster/spectator slot in the server and does not appear in results.
      • Content installation and livery synchronization will be handled by WSS for them
    • WSS Incident system (Assetto Corsa only) 
      • Configure and use our original incident system to your liking. 
      • Counts contacts between cars/environment
      • Set auto kick limit for each session
      • Use together with Real penalty - issue Stop-N-Go automatically when incident limit is exceeded
    • WSS Connection monitoring system (Assetto Corsa only)
      • Configure and use our original connection monitoring system that detects when there are temporary connection instabilities for each driver, counts 'unstable connections' and issues configured penalties.
    • Real penalty plugin (by Davide Bolognesi) integration (Assetto Corsa only)
      • One-click enabled
      • Fully configured and prepared real penalty system for Assetto Corsa events - realistic drive through, stop-n-go penalties, rolling start, team driver swaps and more.
    • Night races.
      • Create races with day-night transitions, require Custom shaders patch (Assetto Corsa), configure weather
    • Registration confirmation. 
      • Allow users to register long time before the race, but require them to confirm registration on last days before the race. 
      • Helps a lot to reduce 'ghost slots' in the server - registered drivers not coming to the race and occupying slot from other drivers.
    • Free practice servers. 
      • Fully automated and enabled by default
      • New servers automatically started if not enough slots
    • Incident reports/Result approval
      • Integrated system for drivers to send incident reports, and for organizer to review them. Organizer can add time penalties, point addition/deduction before approving race results.
    • Series/Championships with point system
      • Define custom points system
      • Can have multiple stages with multiple events in each stage
      • Max best results per round - count only max X number of best results per round for each
      • Create series/championship with custom point system, multiple rounds any event configuration.
      • Add driver BoP (balance of performance), ballast or restrictor - BoP is automatically applied in all events and practice servers.
    • Team races. Host races with team swap enabled (both Assetto Corsa and Assetto Corsa Competizione supported).
    • Multi-class races. Host races with multiple class cars - just add cars from different classes.
    • Live results on WSS page.
    • Custom livery automatic synchronization. As an organizer you don't need to deal with custom liveries at all - premium drivers can choose their livery when registering and other drivers and broadcasters get all custom liveries installed with one click.
    • Automatic stream bot. 
      • Our bot constantly scans WSS for more populated races to stream on Twitch ( - connects itself, switches cameras (with the help of AutoCam), shows WSS results when session ends and streams to Twitch. 
      • To enable for your race, all you need to do is add 'WSS Broadcaster' as broadcaster to your race event. 
  • Hotlaps
    • Fullscreen results page with auto update and delta indicators - perfect for TV.
    • Fully managed and automated private servers for each driver.
    • Average hotlaps for Assetto Corsa and Assetto Corsa Competizione.
    • Use hotlap event as Pre-qualification round for your race - when hotlap ends import results as race entries.
  • Free session
    • Practice, fun, drift, cruise servers

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