Got "No slots available" or "Cannot match your Steam ID"

These messages usually mean that the game (Assetto Corsa) uses different Steam account than what WSS app or Content Manager detected. This works a bit differently depending if you browse WSS from inside of Content Manager or with your usual browser (Chrome).

Basically the Steam account that is shown in Event registration page must match your account that you are currently logged into in Steam:

How to fix (Content Manager):

If you use Content Manager, go to Settings > Content Manager > General, and check “Steam profile” – Change account so it is the same account you are logged into Steam.

How to fix (Browser + WSS app):

If you use your usual browser to browse WSS, WSS app should detect your currently logged Steam account at the moment when you register to the race. If you change Steam account after you register for event and when event starts don't change it back - that could result in 'No slots available'.

In this case try to login to your other account that you used when registering to race.

To prevent it, always go to Event page > Registration page and see 'Steam ID' to make sure you are registered with correct account. 

Still not working

If your Steam IDs match, but you are still getting this error, it could be caused if you were already connected to same server or started to connect, but disconnected/lost connection/terminated AC. 

In this case 'ghost' connection is left and it occupies your slot preventing your reconnect. Unfortunately the only fix is to wait until it times out (in some cases 5-20 minutes). This also causes the AC session to stall at the end and not continue to next session.

In this situation if you see that session advanced in live results page (for example changed from 'Practice' to 'Qualify' then that's a signal to retry and connect again.

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